Saturday, August 05, 2000

8/5/00, Deed of Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery in North America

We, the undersigned Ministers and Ruling Elders, upon this fifth day of August, 2000, after mature deliberation, do unite together to form a Presbytery which shall be from henceforth constituted as the "Reformed Presbytery In North America."

We do fully and unanimously subscribe, without any known point of disagreement, the following "Six Terms Of Ecclesiastical Communion" which formally summarize the Constitution upon which this Reformed Presbytery In North America is now established.

Six Terms Of Ecclesiastical Communion

1. An acknowledgment of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, and the alone infallible rule of faith and practice.

2. That the whole doctrine of the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Catechisms, Larger and Shorter, are agreeable unto, and founded upon the Scriptures.

3. That Presbyterial Church Government and manner of worship are alone of divine right and unalterable; and that the most perfect model of these as yet attained, is exhibited in the Form of Government and Directory for Worship, adopted by the Church of Scotland in the Second Reformation.

4. That public, social covenanting is an ordinance of God, obligatory on churches and nations under the New Testament; that the National Covenant and the Solemn League are an exemplification of this divine institution; and that these Deeds are of continued obligation upon the moral person; and in consistency with this, that the Renovation of these Covenants at Auchensaugh, Scotland, 1712 was agreeable to the word of God.

5. An approbation of the faithful contendings of the martyrs of Jesus, especially in Scotland, against Paganism, Popery, Prelacy, Malignancy and Sectarianism; immoral civil governments; Erastian tolerations and persecutions which flow from them; and of the Judicial Testimony emitted by the Reformed Presbytery in North Britain, 1761 with supplements from the Reformed Presbyterian Church; as containing a noble example to be followed, in contending for all divine truth, and in testifying against all corruptions embodied in the constitutions of either churches or states.

6. Practically adorning the doctrine of God our Savior by walking in all His commandments and ordinances blamelessly.

We do sincerely profess that it is the glory of God, the edification of Christ's Church, as well as the preservation and promotion of the true Christian religion throughout the whole world that does persuade us to unite in constituting this Presbytery.

We do voluntarily promise to be subject in the Lord unto the Reformed Presbytery In North America; to promote and to preserve the doctrine, worship, government, and discipline as summarized in the above cited "Six Terms Of Ecclesiastical Communion"; and to receive with meekness all brotherly counsel and admonition tendered by fellow members of this Presbytery.

We do not consider the Reformed Presbytery In North America to be an entirely new entity, but rather a continuation of the one moral person with other covenanted judicatories of the past, and with those faithful witnesses of the Covenanted Reformation known as Protesters and Society People (1650 - 1742 inclusive). Accordingly, when we refer above to our "Constitution", we include within it all the judicial documents comprehended and engaged unto in our "Six Terms Of Ecclesiastical Communion"--specifically, only those documents which are agreeable to the Word of God, and consistent with our covenanted attainments, as they were formally received and approved by the following covenanted judicatories between the following inclusive dates:

1. The Church Of Scotland, (1560 - 1602, 1638 - 1649).

2. The Reformed Presbytery In Scotland (1743 - 1808), and the Synod Of The Reformed Presbyterian Church In Scotland (1808 - 1821).

3. The Reformed Presbytery In Ireland (1763 - 1779, 1782 - 1810), and the Synod Of The Reformed Presbyterian Church In Ireland (1811 - 1839).

4. The Reformed Presbytery In America (1774 - 1778, 1798 - 1805, 1840 - 1845, 1854 - 1887).

In constituting the Reformed Presbytery In North America in moral succession to these aforementioned faithful judicatories, it is evident that we have not included any of the present bodies designated as "Reformed Presbyterian" whether in Scotland, Ireland, Canada, or the United States.

In full agreement with the official position of the Reformed Presbytery In America, as recorded in their Minutes of June 2, 1841 (which are attached as an Addendum to this Deed of Constitution), we hold these ecclesiastical bodies to be unfaithful to the attainments of the Covenanted Reformation. With full persuasion of conscience, we stand separate from them and cannot unite with them until they publicly repent of their shameful backsliding.

Thus, we affirm that we, having returned to faithful terms of communion, and a true constitution, are not a schismatic body that has further divided the Church of Christ. To the contrary, the Reformed Presbytery In North America is a moral perpetuation of that faithful and unified manifestation of Christ's Covenanted Church in Scotland, Ireland, and the United States. It is our goal to unite the Church of Christ in every land by means of promoting a truly covenanted reformation in accordance with the prayer of our Lord, "That they may be one, even as we are one" (John 17:22).

Therefore, in accordance with the aforesaid principles and declarations, we, the undersigned, joyfully owning and upholding the faithful attainments and contendings of our covenanted forefathers, subscribe this "Deed of Constitution" in the plain and common sense of the words, without equivocation or mental reservation.

Derek Edwards Date: Location:

Witnessed By Date: Location:

Greg L. Price Date: Location:

Witnessed By Date: Location:

Ruling Elders

Greg Barrow Date: Location:

Witnessed By Date: Location:

Lyndon Dohms Date: Location:

Witnessed By Date: Location:

David Hart Date: Location:

Witnessed By Date: Location:

Addendum to Deed Of Constitution for the Reformed Presbytery in North America


On motion, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to report on our ecclesiastical relations, with special reference to those calling themselves Reformed Presbyterians. Rev. R. Lusk, Nathan Johnston, and Thomas Steele were appointed that committee.

Presbytery met pursuant to adjournment, and was constituted by prayer. All the members present. The Committee appointed to report on our Ecclesiastical Relations reported. The report being read, paragraph by paragraph, and remarks made thereon, was re-committed.

Court met and was constituted by prayer. All the members present. The committee appointed on our ecclesiastical relations, was called upon and reported. The report being read, on motion was accepted, and on motion was read, paragraph by paragraph, amended, and on motion adopted. It is as follows:

The committee appointed on our ecclesiastical relations &c. offer the following:-

The church of Christ, from the doctrines which she holds, the subjection to her blessed Lord which she professes, the organization bestowed upon her, and the object thereof, has in times past been as a city on a hill, and such is to be her position in time to come. Being distinct from all other communities in organization, with the reasons and objects thereof, her members should be intimately acquainted not only with her abstract doctrines, but also with the efficacy of these doctrines on their own life and conversation. And altho' every living member sustains a relation to the Head, which shall never be dissolved; yet the mere circumstance of having a name to live, as it respects either organization or membership, will not secure the reality in the one case or the other.

Hypocrites have been in the true church, and local churches, so called, have been, in their very organization, synagogues of Satan; or, as in other cases, have so far degenerated as to be considered no longer churches of Christ. Hence the necessity of attention, by every lover of truth,-by all who desire to promote the declarative glory of God, to have a knowledge of the distinct characteristics of the church of Christ. As to individuals, it is an unalterable law, -"without holiness no man shall see the Lord:" and as to communities, the same law is equally applicable, - it cannot be expected that God will dwelt in them.

Opposition in profession, to any part of revealed truth is evidence of the ascendancy of the carnal heart; and the relinquishment of acknowledged doctrine carries with it additional guilt, being a violation of voluntary engagements; and obstinacy in such defection must eventuate in the reprobation of the community.

Time was when the Reformed P[resbyterian] Church in the British Isles and America was considered one, both in doctrinal profession and covenant engagements. This time has passed, and now various distinct fellowships lay claim to the designation of witnesses, and profess to be the followers of the martyrs of Jesus, who sealed with their blood the testimony which they held.

Discrimination must be exercised, to ascertain who they are and where they are, who are following the footsteps of the flock. These are such who neither oppose nor relinquish the doctrines professed, nor the testimony maintained, by their witnessing and covenant ancestors; nor cast off the obligations under which they have been brought by the deeds of their forefathers.

Formerly, all who claimed the name of Reformed Presbyterians in Europe and America, whether as sojourners or emigrants, had free access to the privileges of the church in either country. She was considered one, although geographically divided by the Atlantic Ocean; because professing ostensibly the same faith in both hemispheres. It is now known that different fellowships exist, based upon different views of her profession and obligations; - hence the visible unity is destroyed, and antagonist principles put into operation.

The doctrines contained in the Westminster Confession and in our Testimony, declared to be agreeable unto and founded upon the word of God, relative to civil government, had been, for a length of time, practically disregarded by individuals and by courts of the church in America. Discrepancy of views led to a division of the body in 1833. A large proportion of the people, but especially of the ministry, professing to have obtained clearer views of the application of their principles to civil society, considered the American Government as the moral ordinance of God, and consequently entitled to the christian's approbation and conscientious support. This party, from the assumption of having attained to clearer views than their brethren of the nature of civil government, were commonly known by the name New Lights. The other party, as contra distinguished from these were denominated Old Lights: nevertheless both continued to claim the original designation, Reformed Presbyterian.

Corruption in doctrine on the part of the Old Lights, leading necessarily to the violation of covenant engagements in practice, and the exercise of tyranny in discipline, forced some members to a separation from the body in '38. This party, characterized by a Safety League and Declinature, also assumes to be the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

The same corruptions continuing to operate, with additional aggravations, and these cherished and defended by influential members as leaders; and the western part becoming more fully acquainted with the extent of defection, some were alarmed and saw the necessity of resorting to scriptural means of reform. Efforts to stay the progress of declension proved unavailing. The Synod refused to retrace her steps, by confessing her sins, and ascertaining her own legality and freedom when formally called thereunto. Thus a separation was loudly called for, and an organization imperatively demanded, that a judicial banner be displayed for the doctrines and order exemplified by our covenant fathers. - Hence the organizing of the Ref'd. Presbytery in '40, in order to hold fast and transmit to posterity all the faithful and public deeds of the Ref'd. Covenanted church.

The two Synods in the British Isles, as appears from their published proceedings, have pursued for substance the same course as the parties in defection from Reformation attainments in America. Different degrees of defection from covenant attainments are, however, discernible among the several and conflicting parties, in the land of our fathers.

The Synod of Scotland has been, since 1822, in a course of declension, having at that date expunged from her terms of communion the Renovation of the covenants at Auchensaugh, 1712. The tendency of this measure was to divide, and it is now matter of history that some were obliged to withdraw from the body. Among these was the Rev. James Reid, author of the Memoirs of the Westminster Divines, who continued in a state of separation till his death; near to which, he declared that he "could not have laid his head on a dying pillow in peace," had he acted otherwise. By this unfaithful act of formally removing from their terms of communion, a solemn public deed; the Scottish Synod went back to the year 1648, thereby overlooking, lightly esteeming and virtually condemning their own former act: together with the solemn and judicial recognition of the same by the Reformed Presbytery in 1761: as also, disregarding the unanimous judgment of all the judicatories of the Ref'd Church in Ireland, Thus they plainly manifested a disposition to innovate on the church's profession, and an evident determination to remove her ancient landmarks.

Although the Synod in Ireland has not formally expunged the deed; yet she has virtually recognized the act as righteous, by continued fellowship, judicial and ministerial, with the Synod of Scotland. This continued communion had an unhappy influence upon the Synod in Ireland, tending to foster a spirit of neutrality, in violation of one of the provisions of our Solemn League. The innovations prevailing in Scotland found advocates in Ireland, by whom their adoption was strenuously urged. This, together with conflicting sentiments on the doctrine of Magistracy, has more recently resulted in separate communions in Ireland. While we cordially approve the faithful contendings of the majority in that body, for the integrity of our Standards on the head of magistracy; we are obliged in conscience, to express unequivocally our disapprobation of their tolerating the aforesaid innovations; as also, their countenancing of, and co-operating in, the popular, voluntary associations of the day,-such as "Sunday Schools," "Temperance Societies," &c. - calculated to undermine our uniformity, divert the attention and alienate the affections of Christ's witnesses from each other and from his own institutions, and eventually to effect disorganization.

As the Reformed Covenanted church has ever been professedly a witnessing church, and in correspondence with this trait of character, has been frequently called to the unpleasant work of testifying against other christian communities: so also, as Paul withstood Peter face to face, we are now urged, as matter of duty, however painful, to testify against our former brethren.

In view of the foregoing state of things among the professing witnesses for a covenanted work of Reformation; your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution: -

That this Presbytery cannot, in consistency with covenant engagements, or fidelity to Jesus Christ, hold communion judicially, ministerially, or in the dispensation of word or sacraments, with any of the aforesaid communities, assuming our name,-whether in America or the British Isles, until the causes of existing separation shall have been removed, according to the laws of the house of God.

R. Lusk, Ch'n.

Thursday, June 01, 2000

6/1/00 Messiah's Update

And A Depraved, If Not Deluded Exposition of Rom.3:9-19 and Total Depravity

What we have here is the blade, before it sprang up a couple of years later, the full corn in the ear of the Federal Vision theology of the Auburn Avenue Pastors's Conferences and Schlissel's Covenant series. According to N.T. Wright's New Perspective on Paul, the gospel, the Book of Romans, the New Testament is not about justification - how a man might be right with God - but ethics and ecclesiology. The NT Jews were in the covenant already; the NT Jews were already saved. They merely had scruples about sitting down at the same dinner table with uncircumcised Gentile believers. But this new view of Scripture and emphasis on covenant, has to make room for itself.

Consequently Mr. Schlissel attacks the Reformed confessions, particularly on total depravity, but regardless the sales pitch and flourish of showmanship schtick, his finesse of Rom.3 is hardly compelling. The first question to be asked, is if Rom 3:9-19 merely talks about some Jews, but not all, is whether Adam really died the death the day he ate the fruit in the garden?
Gen. 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Literally, no, but spiritually, yes. Adam was driven from the presence of God and eventually died.

The second question is, if Rom. 3:9-19 just refers to some Jews who are wicked or presumptious; that not all Jews literally have mouths as open sepulchres and tongues of snakes, then have all men sinned and do all men need to believe in Christ in order to be saved as Romans goes on to tell us in conclusion to 3:9-19? Or is this righteousness just for those who are particularly wicked?
Rom. 3:20-23 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
The historic reading of the passage in taking it on plain terms agrees far better than Mr. Schlissel's account.
Rom. 3:9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin. . . .
Rom. 3:19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God (emph. added).
Even egregious misreaders of Scripture and drummers for their own theological innovations.

6/1/00 R.L. Dabney Fundraising Flyer

Saturday, January 01, 2000

What's New?



Tune up:

3/25/07, The Effort Emails (RPNA -- GM) which accompanied the elders' "Sins Committed By "The Effort" And Steps To Repentance" of 3/22/07
and a Brief Email from the Elders regarding Stan B.'s Questions on Excommunication (the For Your Consideration Series).
10/20/06, Re: PGS "Public Protest and Complaint", a brief email promise of a response to the SPG Complaint from the elders.

Tune up:

10/18/06, SPG Public Protest and Complaint
11/9/06, Charitable Inquiry of the PPSA, to RPV from Google Docs.


1/22/07, Clearing the Air, A Mea Culpa and Self-Criticism from a Repentant Member of the RPNA(GM).
1/23/07, A Note of Repentance and the ensuing discussion or Public Scandal #4, the Effort Conspiracy in which private gnats are strained and the "Confidential" Loyalty Oath and pseudo-presbyterian Position Paper are swallowed whole.

Through 2/29/08, Continue updating and moving files from Google Documents to on site at RPV.

Update, retitle: Setting Up Monuments as Landmarks To The Abuse of Scripture, History and Reason
Add A Reply to A Question About Ron Paul’s ‘08 Presidential Campaign.

Add: Setting Up Monuments to the Abuse of Scripture, History and Reason

Tuned up site. The
Position Paper on Sessional Authority (6/4/06) is now on site rather than at Google Documents.
Various home page links spruced up.

Add Hiding Behind the Landmarks and Other Sanctimonious Monuments
Tune up/revise links for RPNA(GM) TIMELINE

1/17/08- 1/25/08
Revise/expand Against Musical Instruments


Update links for Federal Vision's Fraudulent Revision of Reformed Worship

Added The Reformed Argument Against Musical Instruments

Update RPNA Timeline to include recent RPNA(GM) sermon of 12/23/07 re. possible dissolution of the court.

Updated . . . . And In Secret to include mention of Dec, 23, '08 sermon alluding to a formal dissolution of the court of the RPNA.

Added . . . . And In Secret Have I Said Nothing, some further remarks on the previous policy of secrecy in the former RPNA as a prelude to the rumoured future policy.
Also tuned up the RPNA Timeline and added some posts.

Added some dates previous to the 8/5/00, Deed of Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery in North America to the Timeline, largely taken from the Short History of the PRC Edmonton at the RPNA(GM) website.

Added to the Timeline:
10/21/06, An Anonymous Warning of "Schism" from Scripture-Warnings at
11/13/04, The Public Fast Announcement from the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)

Added to Links:
The Covenanted Reformation (New Zealand) Dr. G. Milne's site in New Zealand promoting the relevance of the Second Reformation and the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 for church and state today.

Earlier links were added for:
The Westminster Assembly Project which exists to make the writings of the Westminster Assembly and its members available to scholars and to the general public. It is the umbrella title for several subprojects, one of which seeks to publish a transcript of the original minutes and papers of the Westminster Assembly. The three-volume original manuscript of the minutes spanning the years 1643 to 1652 is housed in The Evangelical Library. The EL is also home to more than 80,000 evangelical books as well as an archive for many evangelical periodicals. It was largely the vision of one man, Geoffrey Williams, who, in the 1930s, gave much prayerful thought to the legacy of Reformed and Puritan evangelical classics he had accumulated in his private collection - a wealth of applied biblical wisdom. Later in 1945 the EL was inaugurated at a meeting addressed by ML Jones. Many of the Banner of Truth reprints come from this lending library, which is still/also known as Dr. William's Library.

Revised and tuned up:
RPNA to RPNA(GM) Chronology/Timeline

A Little Cloud Like A Man's Hand of 1 K.18:44?
The announcement of possible dissolution of the RPNA(GM) or at least the Session of, due to lack of funds.

A Question Upon the Occasion of the Recent National Day of Thanksgiving
Some Comments on Boston regarding Schism

Updated Timeline to include:
Announcements of 1/6/06 regarding Public Fast and Prayer Day of 1/20/06.
The Ensuing Discussion regarding the Public Fast Day (or the Elder Approved "Affidavit" Email Campaign/Public Scandal No. 1) of
1/9/06 through 3/29/06.

Updated and added links to:
More Non Sequiturs from Mr. NS

Federal Vision's Fraudulent Revision of Reformed Worship

For Your Consideration: Q.7 Why Read the Banns?
Minor update/revisions to What Is This?

Principium 1643 (7/8/07) an apology for the extraordinary "RPNA(GM)" court as paginated in the reply to it below or the original here.

More Non Sequiturs from Mr. NS: A Reply to P1643

7/22/08 added:
Notice of most recent excommunication over a refusal to agree to the reasons for the previous excommunications

6/12/07 added:
The Case of the Belligerent (Want To Be) Barrister is exposed as a sham and his "To Whom It May Concern," fraudulent intimidation.

6/10/07 added:
A Testimony Against Departure of 5/27/07. The title speaks for itself in regard to the Rpna(gm).

6/6/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q6: Misinterpretation by Price, Barrow, and Dohm of 5/23/07. Last in the series on excommunication.

5/5/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.5. Scriptural Justification for a Three Week Excommunication Notice of 5/2/07.

4/27/07 added:
The Covenant Reformation Offended of 4/2/07, an objection to the excommunications on the basis of the terms of membership and oath.

A Reply to the Covenant Reformation Offended from G. Price on 4/20/07.

Some Further Brief Remarks of 4/27/07 on the CRO and the Reply to the CRO.

Notice of three more excommunications on 4/23/07
for a total of 34 out of approximately 88 members.

4/22/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.4 What is the standard Presbyterian procedure for excommunication? of 4/20/07

4/17/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.3 Immediate Excommunication of 4/11/07 in the ongoing series.

4/9/07 added:
What Are You Doing? from a Hollander of 4/7/07 or Objections to Criticisms of the RPNA(GM) from across the Big Puddle.

4/3/07 added:
Two Birds With One Electronic Stone: An “Expose” Exposed and Eviscerated or the Sins of the PPSA and the Steps to Repentance, a rebuttal to the literary efforts of 3/12 and 3/22 below.

4/1/07 added:
3/12/07, A Brother decides to spill the beans and repent of his involvement with the Effort meeting in an "Expose" of the same.

3/20/07, For Your Consideration: Q.1 Excommunication by Email?

3/22/07, The "Session" releases a judicial ruling (?) regarding the Effort meeting/study group entitled "Sins Committed By "The Effort" And Steps To Repentance."

3/30/07, For Your Consideration: Q2 Limits of Modern Technology?

3/17/07 added:
Post of 3/10/07
, "For Your Consideration" - A Brother Responds to his "Excommunication" by the elders of the former RPNA

3/4/07 added:
The 9 emails of 6/26/06 which started off the Elder Approved "Euthanasia/Hypothetical Analogy" Email Campaign or Public Scandal No. 2 which depending on one's point of view was either helpful or hurtful/hypocritical.

3/2/07 added:
mail of 12/15/07, G. Price's Personal Response to the As Yet Unexcommunicated Signers of the Charitable Inquiry regarding the sinful, disorderly precedent of public defiance of the same.
Email of 12/25/06, A Vindication of A Faithful Minister

3/3/07 revised:
Further Remarks on the PPSA: Part 1

2/27/07, added:
Further Remarks on the PPSA: Part 1 A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste - Unless You Are a Faithful Member in Good Standing in the RPNA(GM)

2/18/07 added:
"Common Concerns" Post of 7/10/06 in regards to Addressing the PPSA,
A Charitable Inquiry of PPSA, Part 1/Question 1 of 11/9/06

RPNA to RPNA(GM) Chronology/Timeline


The Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton (PRCE) established as a mission congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the United States (RPCUS) (See the Short History up to '96 at the RPNA(GM) website.)

4/90, G. Barrow, is ordained a ruling elder in the PRCE by the General Assembly of the RPCUS in Atlanta, Georgia.

6-8/94, OPC minister G. Price from the US accepts call to PRCE. By this time, another ruling elder L. Dohms had left the Bible Presbyterian Church and joined the PRCE.

Early 96, The PRCE breaks off its association with the First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett and others and constitutes on the basis of the Six Terms of Communion of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

8/5/00, Deed of Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery in North America, The Session of the PRCE along with a minister in Manitoba, D. Edwards and a ruling elder, D. Hart in Albany, NY constitute the Reformed Presbytery.

4/03, The one ruling elder, D. Hart in Albany, NY leaves the church, leaving only teaching elder G. Price in the local congregation since as an American citizen, he had to leave Canada for Albany earlier.

6/8/03, Announcement of Dissolution of Reformed Presbytery in NA on 6/6/03 from D. Edwards, G. Price, G. Barrow and L. Dohms because of Controversy and disagreement over Birth Control between the first Teaching Elder  and the remaining TE and two Ruling Elders.

6/14/03, Three Elders' Remarks after Dissolution of Reformed Presbytery of NA,
(See also Letter of 10/31/06 Re. An Implicit Extraordinary Session? and the 6/14/03 Letter on Dissolution of Presbytery)

6/15/03, Brief Letter of Clarification by the Three Elders

7/12/03, First mention of the RPNA(GM) in Announcement of RPNA(GM) Day of Prayer and Fasting

9/17/03, Elders Dohms on behalf of the RPNA(GM) and Society Funds

9/24/04, PG Society to Elders re. Draft to Societies at Large

10/7/04, Questions From The "Session" to the Society of Prince George

10/31/04, First mention of or announcement by the "Session" of RPNA(GM) concerning a Lesser Excommunication or Suspension from the Lord's Supper

, Public Fast Announcement from the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)

11/28/04, First Washington Society Letter to Elders

Elders' Reply To The Brothers And Sisters In The Washington Society

1/12/05, Telephone Conversation/Cancellation of Birth Control Paper

1/16/05, Second Washington Society Letter to the Elders

10/23/05, Double Excommunication Notice without Tacit Consent paragraph of the 5/14/06 & 5/20/06, Excommunication Notices

1/1/06, Announcement
of Public Fast and Prayer Day of 1/20/06 because of Elders' Health, Work Situation and Need for Church Restructuring

Society of Prince George Announcement for Public Meeting in Prince George (June 30 - July 2, 2006)

Prayer Requests For The Day Of Prayer And Fasting (January 21, 2006)
1/6/06, Resources For The Day Of Prayer And Fasting (January 21, 2006)

1/9/06 - 3/29/06, The Ensuing Elder Approved "Affidavit" Email Campaign/Public Scandal No. 1 about the Public Fast Day.

1/26/06, The Mystery Plaintiff? Referenced in the Oaths

2/11/06, A Pastoral Plea to All and the Ensuing Discussion in toto.

3/12/06, Another Reply to A Pastoral Plea extracted from the discussion.

3/17/06, A Renewed Pastoral Plea

3/29/06, Update on Church Restructuring Report from Pastor G. Price

4/30/06, Tattoos and the Word of God (TATWOG)

5/8/06, The New Paganism (TNP), A Response to TATWOG

5/12/06, A Brotherly Inquiry about The New Paganism

5/14/06 Excommunication Notice &
& 5/20/06 Excommunication Notice with New Tacit Consent Paragraph, Compared to the Double Excommunication Notices 0f 10/23/05

5/20/06, Announcement re. Elder Barrow Future Change to Part Time

5/23/06, 5/27/06, Albany Financial Meeting: Comments, Retractions and Clarifications

5/26/06, Fwd: A Brotherly Inquiry re. The New Paganism

6/4/06, Position Paper on Sessional Authority (PPSA) from the "Session of the RPNA(General Meeting)"

6/26/06, Elder Approved PRCE Forum: Hypothetical or Hypocritical? Analogy Campaign with the Ensuing Discussion or Public Email Scandal No. 2 .

6/30/06 - 7/2/06 Public Meeting Hosted by the Society of Prince George, BC, Canada as announced 1/1/06

Asinine Analogies Assiduously Characterized and Cauterized or Hypothetical Analogies Euthanized, one of a few skeptical responses to the Hypothetical Analogy filibuster.

7/30/06, "Temporary" Euthanasia of PRCE/RPNA(GM) Forum

8/13/06, Announcement re. Settled Status of PP on Sessional Authority

10/4/06, The Oath Alone or with Accompanying Letter from the Elders

10/18/06, Deadline for the Oath, the Society of Prince George's Public Protest and Complaint and another public Response to the Oath.

10/20/06, Re: PGS "Public Protest and Complaint", a brief email promise of a response to the SPG Complaint from the elders.

10/21/06, "Schism" from the anonymous Scripture-Warnings @

10/28/06, Elders' Response to "Public Protest and Complaint" of the SPG.

10/30/06, Integritas Ecclesia's Comparison of the PPSA and the Terms of Communion. An anonymous critique of the PPSA.

10/30/06, Carnal Graffiti and the Word of God: Disproved and Disapproved, FWIW A Brief Follow up to The New Paganism

10/31/06, An Implicit Extraordinary Session? and the June 14 '03 Letter re. Dissolution of Presbytery

11/2/06, A Response to the Elders' Response to "PP&C" of 10/28/06 concerning excommunication, the circumstances surrounding the PPSA and a critique of it.

11/4/06, Elders' Response to Recent Objections.

11/4/06, First Wave of 10 Excommunication Announcements (Loyalty Oaths issued 10/4, due 10/18).

11/8/06, Response of a "Disaffected Brethren" to the Elders'
RRO of 11/4/06 which challenged the DB to show from Scripture where temporary extraordinary sessions are lawful, but permanent standing extraordinary sessions are not.

11/9/06, A Charitable Inquiry of PPSA, Part 1/Question 1 Released, (originally in pdf) from "Effort" group.

12/10/06, Second Wave of Oaths goes out, due Dec. 20, '06.

12/15/06, Rev. G. Price's Personal Response to the As Yet Unexcommunicated Signers of the Charitable Inquiry, regarding the sinful, disorderly precedent of public defiance of signing the Charitable Inquiry alongside of excommunicated members.

12/23/06, Second Wave of 11 Excommunication Notices go out related to the Oath. (Three other excommunications were due to resignation of membership and one on re. moral discipline.)

12/24/06, Third Wave of Oaths go out, due Jan.3, '07.

12/24/06, Of the "Public Sin" of An Unqualified Condemnation of Paganism (Among Other Allegations), a Reply to the Accusations of the Elders of Sins against the First, Fifth and Ninth Commandment.

12/25/06, A Reply to the Oath from the Second Wave of Excommunications, 'Will the Elders Please Fulfill Their Callings to Teach and Lead instead of Forcing Consciences'.

12/25/06, A Vindication of A Faithful Minister by family members of the same.

12/30/06, A Vindication of the Charge of Ministerial Unfaithfulness in reply to that of
12/25/06 .

1/4/07, Further Remarks on the PPSA: An Introduction [rev. 1/29/07].

1/5/07, Third Wave of 5 Excommunications for refusing the Oath for a total of 26 out of approximately 88? communicant members.

1/22/07, Clearing the Air, A Mea Culpa and Self-Criticism by a Repentant Member of the RPNA(GM).

1/23/07, A Note of Repentance and the ensuing discussion or Public Scandal #4, the Effort Conspiracy in which private gnats are strained and the "Confidential" Loyalty Oath and pseudo-presbyterian Position Paper are swallowed whole.

2/5/07, Two more Excommunications related to Recent Oath Ongoings in RPNA(GM), 28 0ut of approx. 88.

Further Remarks on the PPSA: Part 1 or A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste - - Unless You are a Faithful Member in Good Standing in the RPNA(GM). The logical contradictions in the arguments and conclusions of the PPSA [rev.

3/8/06, Another Excommunication for 29 out of 88 approx. communicants now excommunicated.

3/10/07, "For Your Consideration" - A Brother Responds to his "Excommunication" by the elders of the former RPNA, with more installments to come.

3/12/07, A Brother decides to spill the beans and repent of his involvement with the Effort meeting in an "Expos
é" of the same.

3/20/07, For Your Consideration: Q.1 Excommunication by Email?

3/25/07, An Email from the Elders with two documents attached:
1. A judicial ruling (?) regarding the Effort meeting/study group entitled "Sins Committed By "The Effort" And Steps To Repentance", which is only sent to members of the church and not the excommunicated members of The Effort.
2. The Effort Emails (RPNA -- GM) which is a "a representative list of correspondence accurately documenting in their own words what were their designs, purposes, and actions in the secret meetings and correspondence they had with one another."

3/25/07, A Brief Email from the Elders regarding Stan B.'s Questions on Excommunication (the For Your Consideration Series) in which they state they have already answered his concerns and will not engage further in a public discussion on the matter.

3/30/07, For Your Consideration: Q.2 Limits of Modern Technology?

4/2/07, The Covenant Reformation Offended, an objection to the excommunications on the basis of the terms of membership and oath.

4/3/07, Two Birds With One Electronic Stone: An “Expos
é” Exposed and Eviscerated or The Sins of the PPSA and the Steps to Repentance, a rebuttal to the literary efforts of 3/12 and 3/25 above.

4/9/07, Two more excommunications bringing the total to 31 out of approximately 88 members directly related to the Confidential Loyalty Oath.

4/11/07, For Your Consideration: Q.3 Immediate Excommunication?

4/20/07, A Reply to the Covenant Reformation Offended from Rev. G. Price

4/20/07, For Your Consideration: Q.4 What is the standard Presbyterian procedure for excommunication?

4/23/07, Three more excommunications related to a refusal to take the "Oath"for a total now of 34 out of 88 approximate members or 39% of the whole. (There has also been at the same time as all this, 3 excommunications based on requests for termination/resignation of membership and 1 excommunication over a moral issue.)

Some Further Brief Remarks on the Reply to The Covenant Reformation Offended To "quote one William 'Shakspere' after a fashion (or the Earl of Oxford, if one prefers Joe Sobran's take), respectfully 'wethinks the brother doth protest too much.'"

5/14/07, The "To Whom It May Concern" ("Lawyer, Sue Thyself") Email Fraud/Public Scandal #? is an anonymous (what else?) attempt at identity fraud and impersonation of a lawyer. On the basis of allegations of defamation of character and invasion of privacy, it threatens to sue those who publicly discuss the PPSA, Oath and excommunications in the RPNA(GM), all which are or should be, matters of public knowledge. Neither has it been publicly repudiated by the elders of the RPNA(GM) to whom, one might assume, the doctrine of tacit consent applies, just as well as members of the RPNA(GM).

5/2/07, For Your Consideration: Q.5. Scriptural Justification for a Three Week Excommunication Notice

5/23/07, For Your Consideration: Q6: Misinterpretation by Price, Barrow, and Dohms

5/24/07 - 6/4/07, In Case You Missed It! or the beginning of the end of "To Whom It May Concern" Email Fraud. It comes to find out, that Niwot, Colorado of all places, rather than Nigeria, is the source for the anonymous email fraud and brave attempt at intimidation of those with whom it disagrees. As such it is a rather crude effort at damage control as opposed to fairly and squarely rebutting the arguments and objections from Scripture, history and reason to the Rpnagm's extraordinary court and its pronouncements and excommunications.

5/25/07 - 6/6/07, The Further Unraveling of the "To Whom It May Concern" Email Fraud on the CovRefClub Forum. A party of interest and possible suspect publicly and commendably denies any responsibility for the item, again something the powers that be in the RPNA(GM) refuse to do.

A Testimony Against Departure Further comments from parties involved in the first wave of excommunications. The topics discussed are: Supposed Tacit and Explicit Consent, Matthew 5 and 18, Principle of Non-Intrusion, Regulative Principle of Church Government and a Principle of Accountability. The conclusion is that the international standing session of the RPNA(GM) is an innovation imposed and intruded upon the church without announcement, discussion or any kind of accountability. Consequently the PPSA comes after the fact and is deficient on Scripture and historical precedent; the oath lacks necessary lawful components and the excommunications are pretentious, self serving and vindicative considering previous interaction between the elders of the RPNA(GM) and members of the church beginning a couple of years prior to the PPSA and the oath.

6/10/07, The Email Fraud: "To Whom It May Concern" Summarized or The Case of the Belligerent (Want To Be) Barrister Revisited. False and deceptive pretenses are not agreeable to Scripture when it comes to either damage control or defending the faith.

7/8/07, Principium 1643 makes its appearance as an apology for the "RPNA(GM)"'s court. It used to be found here, but seems to have moved here. (The first link is with the pagination of the 8/20/07 reply to it below)

7/14/07, One more excommunication for refusing to agree with the previous excommunications for a total of 38 out of approx. 88 members.

8/20/07, More Non Sequiturs from Mr. NS: A Reply to Principium 1643. Figuratively speaking, a refutation in not quite 25 words of Mr. NS's magnum opus of 39665 words and his various irrelevant theses on the matter.

9/30/07, For Your Consideration: Q.7 Why Read the Banns?, the last in the For Your Consideration series on excommunication.

12/2/07, An Announcement from an extraordinary ecclesiastical entity to its members that unless financial giving increased there would not be enough money to support even the one full time officer and consequently the court would formally dissolve.

12/23/07, Sermon by TE G. Price at Albany Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian Church, labeled "Moving the Landmarks (Prov. 22:28)" with the first public mention of "if/when the Session of this Church should be dissolved".

12/28/07, . . . . And In Secret Have I Said Nothing, The New Policy of Secrecy No New Thing in the RPNA(GM).

1/30/08, Hiding Behind the Landmarks and Other Sanctimonious Monuments, some interaction with and interjections to the Albany sermon entitled "
Moving the Landmarks".

Setting Up Monuments to the Abuse of Scripture, History and Reason, Further Remarks on the Recent "Moving the Landmarks" Sermon

3/10/08, Dissolution of the RPNA(GM) Court according to a document that surfaced 3/22/08.

9/15/08, A Letter of Repentance by two former members of the Effort meeting.

9/25/08, A Public and Hopefully Reformed Reply to the above Letter of Repentance.

(Old/Original) What is This?

[10/30/06, revised 1/23/08, replaced 5/5/08]

To speak thus publicly against those who may be the precious sons of Zion, is a painful duty. That charity, however, which rejoiceth in the truth, requires of Christ's witnesses that they censure and rebuke, in a way competent to them, those of the household of faith whom they see and know to be in a course of error or of sin; Is. 58:l; Tit. 1:13
Act Declaration and Testimony, Supplement to Part 3, Section IV
as quoted in the June 14,'03 letter from TE Price, and RE's Barrow and Dohms shortly after the dissolution of the Reformed Presbytery of North America on June 6, '03).

This website is all about the recent 2006 through 2007 fuss in the former Reformed Presbytery of N. America, which now goes by the name of the RPNA (General Meeting) - though it is a GM in name only - concerning position papers, oaths and courts, lawful or no and subsequent "self inflicted" excommunications all of which matters are public and open knowledge in that body. Unfortunately as a professing reformed and presbyterian church of Christ and consequently a public and moral person, the honor of Christ's name is also necessarily involved, particularly if all this in house discipline is as unfaithful as the confidential loyalty oath is illegitimate. Perhaps all this is not as self evident as it could be, but we do not think it so difficult that a true child of God cannot come to a just conclusion after examining the issues.

To that end, an attempt has been made to present a timeline of all the information about and relevant dates and announcements since the dissolution of the Reformed Presbytery of N. America on June 6, '03 up to the present, so that the reader may make an informed and knowledgeable decision on the current controversies. They revolve in the main again around:

One, the Position Paper on Sessional Authority of 6/4/06 which is touted as establishing from Scripture, history and reason, the extraordinary congregational court of the RPNA(GM) - a presbyterian session with one teaching elder in Albany, NY and two ruling elders in Edmonton, AB that convenes over international long distance phone lines without announcement or minutes for all practical purpose and which exercises like international/continental jurisdiction over members and societies previously connected to the PRC of Edmonton/Reformed Presbytery in N. America.

Two, the Confidential Oath first proffered on 10/4/06 to uphold both the PPSA and the RPNA(GM) session before starting process/pursuing an unspecified complaint against the recipient of the oath before the court.

Three, the resulting excommunications from 11/4/06 - 7/14/07 of approximate 38 out of 90 communicant members for refusing the oath with possibly more to come. One never knows.

Even further, for the love and cause of Christ's truth and his people, some remarks are called for or one’s silence could be taken for a sinful acquiescence in and approval of what we clearly think is a carnal and arrogant policy of purging disaffected brethren, all the while dismissing any questions of substance and ignoring any questions on due process. Likewise, if the judicial actions of the "Session of the RPNA(GM)" are as valid as it claims them to be and those excommunicated by that body are actually cast out of the visible church, then it stands to reason that the visible church at large very much has a right and interest in actually being informed about those actions, much more their supposed basis.

That, if not the Scripture saith:
They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out (Acts 16:37).

Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. (Isaiah 58:1-4).

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light (Ephesians 5:13).

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4 ).

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more (Luke 12:48).