Saturday, January 01, 2000

What's New?



Tune up:

3/25/07, The Effort Emails (RPNA -- GM) which accompanied the elders' "Sins Committed By "The Effort" And Steps To Repentance" of 3/22/07
and a Brief Email from the Elders regarding Stan B.'s Questions on Excommunication (the For Your Consideration Series).
10/20/06, Re: PGS "Public Protest and Complaint", a brief email promise of a response to the SPG Complaint from the elders.

Tune up:

10/18/06, SPG Public Protest and Complaint
11/9/06, Charitable Inquiry of the PPSA, to RPV from Google Docs.


1/22/07, Clearing the Air, A Mea Culpa and Self-Criticism from a Repentant Member of the RPNA(GM).
1/23/07, A Note of Repentance and the ensuing discussion or Public Scandal #4, the Effort Conspiracy in which private gnats are strained and the "Confidential" Loyalty Oath and pseudo-presbyterian Position Paper are swallowed whole.

Through 2/29/08, Continue updating and moving files from Google Documents to on site at RPV.

Update, retitle: Setting Up Monuments as Landmarks To The Abuse of Scripture, History and Reason
Add A Reply to A Question About Ron Paul’s ‘08 Presidential Campaign.

Add: Setting Up Monuments to the Abuse of Scripture, History and Reason

Tuned up site. The
Position Paper on Sessional Authority (6/4/06) is now on site rather than at Google Documents.
Various home page links spruced up.

Add Hiding Behind the Landmarks and Other Sanctimonious Monuments
Tune up/revise links for RPNA(GM) TIMELINE

1/17/08- 1/25/08
Revise/expand Against Musical Instruments


Update links for Federal Vision's Fraudulent Revision of Reformed Worship

Added The Reformed Argument Against Musical Instruments

Update RPNA Timeline to include recent RPNA(GM) sermon of 12/23/07 re. possible dissolution of the court.

Updated . . . . And In Secret to include mention of Dec, 23, '08 sermon alluding to a formal dissolution of the court of the RPNA.

Added . . . . And In Secret Have I Said Nothing, some further remarks on the previous policy of secrecy in the former RPNA as a prelude to the rumoured future policy.
Also tuned up the RPNA Timeline and added some posts.

Added some dates previous to the 8/5/00, Deed of Constitution of the Reformed Presbytery in North America to the Timeline, largely taken from the Short History of the PRC Edmonton at the RPNA(GM) website.

Added to the Timeline:
10/21/06, An Anonymous Warning of "Schism" from Scripture-Warnings at
11/13/04, The Public Fast Announcement from the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)

Added to Links:
The Covenanted Reformation (New Zealand) Dr. G. Milne's site in New Zealand promoting the relevance of the Second Reformation and the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 for church and state today.

Earlier links were added for:
The Westminster Assembly Project which exists to make the writings of the Westminster Assembly and its members available to scholars and to the general public. It is the umbrella title for several subprojects, one of which seeks to publish a transcript of the original minutes and papers of the Westminster Assembly. The three-volume original manuscript of the minutes spanning the years 1643 to 1652 is housed in The Evangelical Library. The EL is also home to more than 80,000 evangelical books as well as an archive for many evangelical periodicals. It was largely the vision of one man, Geoffrey Williams, who, in the 1930s, gave much prayerful thought to the legacy of Reformed and Puritan evangelical classics he had accumulated in his private collection - a wealth of applied biblical wisdom. Later in 1945 the EL was inaugurated at a meeting addressed by ML Jones. Many of the Banner of Truth reprints come from this lending library, which is still/also known as Dr. William's Library.

Revised and tuned up:
RPNA to RPNA(GM) Chronology/Timeline

A Little Cloud Like A Man's Hand of 1 K.18:44?
The announcement of possible dissolution of the RPNA(GM) or at least the Session of, due to lack of funds.

A Question Upon the Occasion of the Recent National Day of Thanksgiving
Some Comments on Boston regarding Schism

Updated Timeline to include:
Announcements of 1/6/06 regarding Public Fast and Prayer Day of 1/20/06.
The Ensuing Discussion regarding the Public Fast Day (or the Elder Approved "Affidavit" Email Campaign/Public Scandal No. 1) of
1/9/06 through 3/29/06.

Updated and added links to:
More Non Sequiturs from Mr. NS

Federal Vision's Fraudulent Revision of Reformed Worship

For Your Consideration: Q.7 Why Read the Banns?
Minor update/revisions to What Is This?

Principium 1643 (7/8/07) an apology for the extraordinary "RPNA(GM)" court as paginated in the reply to it below or the original here.

More Non Sequiturs from Mr. NS: A Reply to P1643

7/22/08 added:
Notice of most recent excommunication over a refusal to agree to the reasons for the previous excommunications

6/12/07 added:
The Case of the Belligerent (Want To Be) Barrister is exposed as a sham and his "To Whom It May Concern," fraudulent intimidation.

6/10/07 added:
A Testimony Against Departure of 5/27/07. The title speaks for itself in regard to the Rpna(gm).

6/6/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q6: Misinterpretation by Price, Barrow, and Dohm of 5/23/07. Last in the series on excommunication.

5/5/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.5. Scriptural Justification for a Three Week Excommunication Notice of 5/2/07.

4/27/07 added:
The Covenant Reformation Offended of 4/2/07, an objection to the excommunications on the basis of the terms of membership and oath.

A Reply to the Covenant Reformation Offended from G. Price on 4/20/07.

Some Further Brief Remarks of 4/27/07 on the CRO and the Reply to the CRO.

Notice of three more excommunications on 4/23/07
for a total of 34 out of approximately 88 members.

4/22/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.4 What is the standard Presbyterian procedure for excommunication? of 4/20/07

4/17/07 added:
For Your Consideration: Q.3 Immediate Excommunication of 4/11/07 in the ongoing series.

4/9/07 added:
What Are You Doing? from a Hollander of 4/7/07 or Objections to Criticisms of the RPNA(GM) from across the Big Puddle.

4/3/07 added:
Two Birds With One Electronic Stone: An “Expose” Exposed and Eviscerated or the Sins of the PPSA and the Steps to Repentance, a rebuttal to the literary efforts of 3/12 and 3/22 below.

4/1/07 added:
3/12/07, A Brother decides to spill the beans and repent of his involvement with the Effort meeting in an "Expose" of the same.

3/20/07, For Your Consideration: Q.1 Excommunication by Email?

3/22/07, The "Session" releases a judicial ruling (?) regarding the Effort meeting/study group entitled "Sins Committed By "The Effort" And Steps To Repentance."

3/30/07, For Your Consideration: Q2 Limits of Modern Technology?

3/17/07 added:
Post of 3/10/07
, "For Your Consideration" - A Brother Responds to his "Excommunication" by the elders of the former RPNA

3/4/07 added:
The 9 emails of 6/26/06 which started off the Elder Approved "Euthanasia/Hypothetical Analogy" Email Campaign or Public Scandal No. 2 which depending on one's point of view was either helpful or hurtful/hypocritical.

3/2/07 added:
mail of 12/15/07, G. Price's Personal Response to the As Yet Unexcommunicated Signers of the Charitable Inquiry regarding the sinful, disorderly precedent of public defiance of the same.
Email of 12/25/06, A Vindication of A Faithful Minister

3/3/07 revised:
Further Remarks on the PPSA: Part 1

2/27/07, added:
Further Remarks on the PPSA: Part 1 A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste - Unless You Are a Faithful Member in Good Standing in the RPNA(GM)

2/18/07 added:
"Common Concerns" Post of 7/10/06 in regards to Addressing the PPSA,
A Charitable Inquiry of PPSA, Part 1/Question 1 of 11/9/06