Interim Emails
From: Greg Price
To: Bob S.
Cc: Greg Price ; Lyndon Dohms ; Greg Barrow
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 8:23 AM
Subject: Fwd: A Brotherly Inquiry
Dear Bob,
Since it was a couple weeks ago that we sent our initial response to you, we wanted to follow-up in
order to confirm that our email (dated May 12, 2006)was received by you. We understand you may be very busy with work at the present time and unable to provide a full response.
Friday, May 26, 2006
5/26/06, Fwd: A Brotherly Inquiry re. The New Paganism
8:23 AM
06 Chronological List,
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
5/23/06 - 5/27/06, Albany Financial Meeting, Comments, Retractions and Clarifications
The Session has decided that we lack enough income to support two full time elders in the oversight of our societies. Therefore, September 2006 will be the final pay period for Elder Greg Barrow. Please pray for Elder Barrow as he seeks employment to support his family.
The Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)
Pastor Greg Price
Ruling Elder Lyndon Dohms
Ruling Elder Greg Barrow
6:32 PM
06 Chronological List
Saturday, May 20, 2006
5/20/06, Second Excommunication Notice with New Tacit Consent Paragraph
[This is the second Excommunication notice with the new tacit consent paragraph added (see also the notice of 5/14/06), as compared to previous notices in Oct. '05 without.]
From: Greg Barrow
To:[G.Price, L. Dohms, ______, _____]
Subject: RPNA (General Meeting) Session Announcement
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is our sad but necessary ministerial duty to announce publicly to those under our oversight, that Mr. ____ ____, and Mrs. ___ _____ of _____, ______, ___, have, as of April 4th, 2006, formally written (by email) to the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting) and to many members on a public email list, informing us that they no longer desire to submit themselves to the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting), nor do they agree with some of our Terms of Communion. Consequently, they have voluntarily withdrawn themselves from the membership of the Reformed Presbytery in North America (General Meeting).
In that email of April 4, 2006, they charged the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting) with schism and said, “We will seek to be united with a larger body of the visible church which faithfully adheres to the Westminster Standards.” Additionally, in the same letter, they referred to our doctrine and practice against occasional hearing as a foundational error, and stated that we are binding the conscience of men by teaching that the Solemn League and Covenant continues to bind us in Canada and the United States. We would note that these charges, by implication, are not only made against the Session, but are also made against each and every member of the RPNA (General Meeting), who also hold our Terms of Communion to be agreeable to the Word of God.
5/20/06, Announcement re. Elder Barrow Future Change to Part Time
From: Lyndon Dohms
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:30 PM
Subject: Session Announcement re: Greg Barrow
Announcement From the Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)
May 20, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Session has decided that we lack enough income to support two full time
elders in the oversight of our societies. Therefore, September 2006 will be
the final pay period for Elder Greg Barrow. Please pray for Elder Barrow as
he seeks employment to support his family.
The Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)
Pastor Greg Price
Ruling Elder Lyndon Dohms
Ruling Elder Greg Barrow
Sunday, May 14, 2006
5/14/06, First Excommunication Notice with New Tacit Consent Paragraph
[The italicized final paragraphs on tacit/after the fact consent are included for the first time in this May '06 notice as compared to the previous in Oct. '05. See also the excommunication notice for 5/20/06.]
From: Greg Barrow
To: G.Price, L.Dohms, Nate P.
Bcc: Church List
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: RPNA (General Meeting) Session Announcement
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is our sad but necessary ministerial duty to announce publicly to those under our oversight, that _______ _____ of the Society of ______, has formally written to the Session to inform us that he has voluntarily withdrawn himself from membership within the Reformed Presbytery in North America (General Meeting). In that letter (dated January 14, 2006), ____ states:
“I voluntarily withdraw my membership from the RPNA--effective immediately.”
____ has been under the censure of Suspension from the Lord’s Supper since October 31, 2004. On various occasions attempts have been made to reclaim our brother, but to no avail. He has indicated that his mind is settled on this issue. We remain willing to speak with ____ and to pray that God will soften his heart, and open a way to a godly reconciliation in the future.
Because we believe ____’s withdrawal of membership from this faithful Church of Jesus Christ is a sinful division that promotes schism within the Church (1 Corinthians 12:25) and because ____ is obstinate in this sinful action and refuses to repent of these sins (Matthew 18:17), we must, sadly, now inform the Societies under our inspection that the membership status of _____ ___ has formally changed. We publicly declare ___ ______ to be placed upon our List of Deserters, and declare to the congregation that ____ ________ is now in a position of being formally excommunicated from the Visible Church. We do so in hope praying that God may by this action deliver him unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, THAT THE SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED IN THE DAY OF THE LORD JESUS (1 Corinthians 5:5). We take not this step because we hate ___, but because we love him and earnestly desire his repentance and reconciliation.
We remind the congregation that our duty toward ___ is to constantly and humbly pray for his reconciliation in the truth, and that each of us ought to be mindful and careful of our respective duties in regard to having familiar fellowship with those who are excommunicated from the Church. We would call to the attention of all who are under our inspection that to practice familiar fellowship with those who are excommunicated is likewise a sin that is censurable and contrary to the Word of God (1 Corinthians 5:11-13) and to our Terms of Communion (_The First Book of Discipline_, “The Seventh Head--Of Ecclesiastical Discipline”).
Finally, we would remind you that as members of the RPNA (General Meeting) each time you become informed of, or witness, a judicial action enacted by this court, you have a scriptural duty either to consent to that judicial action (either expressly or tacitly) as that done faithfully by a lawful court of Christ, or to dissent from it (expressly and formally in writing) should you deem this action to be unfaithfully done. Please note, that your consent need not be formally expressed, as we take silence in this matter to be your tacit consent and approval of both the lawfulness of our court and the faithfulness of judicial action being enacted. If you disagree with what we have done as a court, or for some reason believe that we are not lawfully constituted as a court of Christ, then it is your duty, according to God's Word and your membership agreement, to immediately, formally, and honestly express your dissent, reasons and/or questions in writing to the Session [italics added].
The Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)
Pastor Greg Price
Ruling Elder Lyndon Dohms
Ruling Elder Greg Barrow
Friday, May 12, 2006
5/12/06, A Brotherly Inquiry about The New Paganism
[The highlighted text below affirms that Tattoos and the Word of God (TATWOG) is an approved paper and position of the Session of the RPNA(GM)]
From: Greg Price
To: Bob S.
Cc: Greg Barrow; Greg Price; Lyndon Dohms;
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 6:26 AM
Subject: A Brotherly Inquiry
May 12, 2006
Dear Bob,
We do appreciate you addressing your concerns and disagreements to us so that we might work through the issue of tattoos in a godly and brotherly manner. This we desire to do and pray you would be willing to do as well.
We cannot in good conscience comply with your statement to immediately retract the sermon (in which Pastor Price briefly addresses the subject of tattoos) or the paper (in which Pastor Price further elaborates on the subject of tattoos) until it is proven from Scripture (first and foremost) and from any relevant historical testimony as well that tattoos are unlawful in themselves.
At the present time, the paper written by Pastor Price represents the Session’s position on the matter of tattoos. We are willing to be persuaded otherwise if it can be demonstrated from the Bible. So we ask you to lay out for us your biblical case.
We did note the use of 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 in your letter. However, there is no controversy that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. The controversy swells around the question of whether or not the Holy Spirit allows under any circumstance this human tabernacle to be cut or pierced (for example, in the ears), to be marked in any way at all, to have jewelry placed upon it, to have beards trimmed, to have hair cut in a circle or the hair between the eyes shaven, etc. As you know, there are many who use 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 to forbid the use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, soda, fast food and many other things. If the Holy Ghost says He does not want this temple of the body marked under any circumstance, we will gladly submit to His Word.
Dear brother, we would ask you a few questions by way of clarification at the outset in the hope that we might have a better idea where you draw the lines in your position. These questions are honest inquiries, and we ask them in order that we might determine if/where we have common ground, so that we might focus upon points wherein we might differ so as to ultimately minimize misunderstanding and thus promote unity and agreement.
1. Is it your position that a tattoo is not indifferent in itself, but as to its very nature (regardless of the circumstance) is wicked and evil?
2. Do you make any distinction between a tattoo that is permanent vs. a tattoo that is temporary?
3. Is it unlawful to get an ink stamp (which pictures a clown or an animal of some kind) on the back of the hand at a sporting event or an amusement park which would permit one to re-enter the building or the park?
4. Is it unlawful for children to make pictures or marks on their skin with an ink pen or a felt pen?
5. Is it unlawful to write phone numbers or directions on one’s arm or hand?
6. Is it unlawful to permanently tattoo one’s hand or arm with medical information (such as an emblem that indicates one is a diabetic)?
7. Is there any circumstance under which you would deem it lawful to mark one's flesh (whether permanently or temporarily)?
8. Do you believe that any tattoo or mark placed on the skin (whether permanent or temporary) should be censured by a lawful Church Court?
Dear brother, we pray that our God might grant us grace in speaking the truth in love.
With brotherly affection,
The Session of the RPNA (General Meeting)
Pastor Greg L. Price
Elder Greg Barrow
Elder Lyndon Dohms
[See also:
5/26/06, Fwd: A Brotherly Inquiry re. The New Paganism
10/30/06, Carnal Graffiti and the Word of God: Disproved and Disapproved, A Brief Follow up to The New Paganism
12/24/06, Of the "Public Sin" of An Unqualified Condemnation of Paganism (Among Other Allegations)]
6:26 AM
06 Chronological List,
Monday, May 08, 2006
5/8/06, The New Paganism
To: Pastor Greg Price; Elder Lyndon Dohms; Elder Greg Barrow
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: The New Paganism
The Rise of the New Paganism
A Critical Reply to "Tattoos and the Word of God"
As regards the paper entitled Tattoos and the Word of God [April 30, ‘06 - no longer available on Albany CRPChurch site ], the problem is fundamental. There is no mention at all, never mind at the beginning of the article, of the locus classicus of the argument against tattoos, much more body piercing/modification. That is as 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 states:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
That is to say, a tattoo is by its very nature, an attempt, whether conscious or no, to defile and deface the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is as if one were to scribble in a book or a take a paint can to the side of a building. It is not art or artwork, but is an artificial marring of the looks the Lord has given someone.
9:47 PM
06 Chronological List,