All The While Spray Painting Targets And Snipe-hunting For Protestant Fish In a Roman Barrel Full of Cloistered Monkeys
[corrected 2/4/14]
Well, the combox zeitgeist over at Old Life Theological Society for Callers Cognitive Dissonance
seems to have moved on to discussing the quality of home made vs.
Safeway pastry. Still it does provoke us to quietly weep a few
crocodile tears for the eminent first commenter (as always) and his denial (as always) on these kinds of posts at OLTS.
Particularly since the same interlocutor has just given us "Clark, Frame, and the Analogy of Painting a Magisterial Target Around One’s Interpretive Arrow " in which he attempts to frame confessionalist RS Clark in his own words, of committing the same crime as Clark accuses biblicist John Frame to be guilty of: Setting oneself up as the interpretive authority over Scripture.
As in do tell, William Tell.
The gentleman goes on at length – thankfully not quite as eye glazing as usual – in appealing to the Prot reader's private judgement in order to demonstrate the solipsism of that same private judgement and the subsequent necessity of privately judging that the sacred magisterial authority of the pope alone can break the solipsistic stranglehold. Circular pleading indeed, if not sophistical solipsistical.
Oblio's Obligatory Obfuscation/Inexcusable Ignorance
As for Harry Nilsson, where is he when we need him? You know, the singer of the song about "Me and my Arrow, taking the high road". Of integrity, honesty, credibility, stuff like that. Of correctly characterizing the Prot Roman paradigm if you are going to critique the Prot Roman paradigm? (But Protestants paradigmatically eschew paradigms/the Holy Father hasn't given them one, so no worries?)
As in the reformed confessions never claim to be above correction from Scripture, contra our protagonist's assumption/accusation. In short the whole "norma normans, norma normata" paradigm. The Scripture is the infallible rule that rules; the norm that norms all other norms, while the creeds are rules that are normed/ruled by Scripture. And this Mr. Cross, as someone with an M.Div from Covenant Theological Seminary, (PCA) an ex-P&R churchman* ought to know. But doesn't. Or at least won't admit for all practical public purposes of his popish propaganda.
Just as he ought to have known that the Mormon claim to Joseph Smith's apostolic addition to Scripture in the Book of Mormon was contra Scripture as WCF Chapt.1 "Of Holy Scripture" confesses. And answered accordingly when the Utah missionaries knocked on his door. Instead, this incident supposedly precipitated his capitulation to Rome's claim to apostolicity in order to resolve the existential torment, if not ecclesiastical angst that resulted from the encounter with the disciples of the Mormon Apostles.